Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker strives to make a positive difference through responsible ownership and investments. We are committed to invest in sound business models in order to contribute to long-term success and extraordinary results.
We believe the right composition of management and Board of Directors is essential for the company’s development. In our investments, we value maintaining a close dialogue with the chairmanship and day-to-day management so that together we can create the optimal framework for the company.
Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker generally has a positive stance on the current Recommendations on Corporate Governance by the Danish Committee on Corporate Governance, and it is our desire that the entities we own take an active stance towards the guidelines and follow the recommendations that have relevance for the entities.
Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker believes that every business model must embody a high degree of corporate social responsibility. Therefore, we expect that the businesses we own incorporate a reasonable sustainability policy into their strategies. We believe that Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker contributes to a positive development in society by investing in sound and responsible business models. In the same way, it is crucial for us that the companies in which we invest follow a responsible ESG-policy and addresses the relevant SDGs with respect for sustainability, climate and human rights. It is our desire that these companies pursue a strategy based on making a positive social difference in the countries and areas in which they operate.
Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker’s policy for receiving market soundings and other approaches regarding listed issuers and financial instruments
Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker is open to receive market soundings relating to issuers and financial instruments if the requirements in the market abuse regulation are met. Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker is also open to receive other approaches regarding listed issuers and financial instruments.
Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker wants to limit the situations where Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker becomes an insider, and as a starting point Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker does not want to receive inside information. Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker will never want to receive inside information unless Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker explicitly has approved this in advance.
When first approached about a market sounding and in connection with other approaches, Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker would then only want information about which subsector the approach concerns. If Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker subsequently expresses a wish for further information, the following is requested: (1) whether the market sounding or approach is deemed to include inside information and (2) when the inside information is deemed to cease to exist. Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker will then indicate whether the market sounding or further information is wanted.
Inquiries to Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker regarding market soundings and other approaches regarding listed issuers and financial instruments shall be directed to John Lauritsen (+45 38 42 25 45) or to Steffen Kaj Pedersen (+45 33 14 52 93).
At Augustinus Fabrikker, we strive to meet the outside world with orderliness, responsibility and in dialogue. As part of the ongoing development of the organisation, we have established a voluntary whistleblower policy. The whistleblower policy ensures that there is always an opportunity to communicate with us about any serious matters that we should investigate. The whistleblower policy only covers Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker’s own organization as well as our advisers and suppliers. Information about our ownerships is referred to the companies’ own whistleblower policies or the National Whistleblower Policy.
The whistleblower policy is administered by Kromann Reumert, who screens applications and passes them on to the fund’s internal whistleblower unit. The secure whistleblower portal Got Ethics A/S is used for communication.
To get to the whistleblower portal, click here.