Ånnual Report 2022 (Only in Danish)

Annual Report


A foundation-owned investment company

Chr. Augustinus Fabrikker is a foundation-owned investment company with a focus on long-term ownership of Danish companies.

We invest to ensure stable ownership in the companies we own shares in. Stable ownership helps create success.

At the same time, we believe that value-creating ownership is a positive contribution to society. In the same way as the philanthropic activities of the Augustinus Foundation, it is.

Read the preface from our Chairman and CEO (In Danish)

Året 2022 bød på en række uforudsete begivenheder. Selv om det nu er næsten 4 måneder siden, vi lukkede bøgerne, så er det nok fortsat de færreste, der vil sige, at de havde forudset, at Rusland ville invadere Ukraine og som konsekvens skabe betydelig usikkerhed om energiforsyningen til Europa. Samtidigt viste den voldsomme opblussen i inflationen sig ikke blot at være et kortvarigt fænomen, men en fundamental udfordring, som fortsat skaber usikkerhed. Et bagtæppe, som på flere måder gjorde det udfordrende at drive forretning.

Download the Annual Report and Annual Journal 2022 (In Danish)

Read the Annual Report

Read the Annual Report 2023 (In Danish)

Read the annual report 2023